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We find sex in fall
We find a reason to live
In a yellow leaf
Taste hazelnut tricks
Trade tarot cards with strangers
Met in towns we used to kindle
We see three friends we used to live with
(Have not thought about in years)
Do not take offense I am crying
There’s a new shop in the old town now actually
It’s a walmart we go in anyway
Don prayer down necks down the aisles hoping there’s
A god we kiss at ruddy men in cargo shorts
Crack jokes at their knees like we used to kneel
We used to crawl to windows cut
In the backdoor
Blow mold spores kisses glitching
Through tiles loving men who
Want to be us & then degrade any body in their bed
They want to set themselves on fire
Work flare guns naming freedom finally see it
When we giggle when
There’s a creek a stream of passage & a flash an
Open field in front of you





R. Sam Ross is a poet living in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. His work has appeared previously in TERSE. Journal.