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(lady’s thumb / plate 45)



(nightshade & bittersweet / plate 173)



These pieces are part of a series called “Lamb of Law.” They are all mixed-media collages that use source material from The MacMillan Wild Flower Book (1954), Gray’s Anatomy (1974), Webster’s Unified Dictionary and Encyclopedia (1961), and The Compleat Farmer: A Compendium of Do-It-Yourself, Tried and True Practices for the Farm, Garden, and Household (1975). In addition, the quote used in “(nightshade & bittersweet / plate 173)” is borrowed from the film The Silence of the Lambs, directed by Jonathan Demme.





Lindsay Lusby is the author of two chapbooks, Blackbird Whitetail Redhand (Porkbelly Press, forthcoming 2018) and Imago (dancing girl press, 2014), and the winner of the 2015 Fairy Tale Review Award in Poetry, judged by Joyelle McSweeney. Her poems have appeared most recently in The AccountNorth Dakota QuarterlyTinderbox Poetry JournalThird Point PressFairy Tale Review, and elsewhere. With Jehanne Dubrow, she has co-edited two poetry anthologies from the Literary House Press: The Book of Scented Things (2014) and Still Life with Poem (2016). She is the Assistant Director of the Rose O’Neill Literary House at Washington College, where she serves as assistant editor for the Literary House Press and managing editor for Cherry Tree.