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Stare out.

Stare out as

Users stare out.

Users stare out east to seas.

To stars. To oats.

Oases out east.


Users stare at sutures.

Our sutures route out east to seas.

Our sores are roses, asters, stars or oats.


A ruse arouses users.

Seas of rote tears users rouse.

O users sate our estrus.

Tour our sorest sutures.

Toss roses. Toss asters.

Use us as ousters use.

Rate us.


A uterus stores.

A uterus stores seats, a tress.

A toe or ear.

A set of ears.

A seat.

A sea of sores.

A sea of roses, asters, stars or oats.

Our oar or oars.






Leslie Patron lives and writes in San Jose, California, where she founded the place-based journal Cheers from the Wasteland. Her most recent work appears or is forthcoming in littletell, Daily Gramma, EntropyWeird Sister and others. She is the social media editrix of 1913 Press and an active member of the San Jose zine community.