Julia Madsen is a multimedia poet and educator. She received an MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University and is a doctoral student in English/Creative Writing at the University of Denver. Blue-collar born and raised, she is currently thinking about technology and the working class. She is the video editor at Reality Beach, and has shown video poetry at Outlet Gallery in Brooklyn, NY and No Nation Art Gallery in Chicago, IL. Her video work has appeared in VICE‘s “The Creators Project.” Her poems and multimedia work have also appeared or are forthcoming in jubilat, Drunken Boat, Caketrain, Flag+Void, Word for/Word, Cloud Rodeo, Small Po[r]tions, Deluge, Dreginald, Tagvverk, Alice Blue Review, Devil’s Lake, Versal, Cartridge Lit, Cutbank, Black Warrior Review, TL;DR Magazine, PoetrySeen, and elsewhere. Her chapbook, Dromology, is forthcoming from Reality Beach Press.