Rubbed clean as summer
The gaudily painted poles,
the ruined orchard of me
wanting you, I wished I could
tell all these fantasies off.
I see your name in the flowers
that have no antecedent.
Most days I don’t want to keep
the circle going but whales,
new-born, must surface at once
to breathe (and your eyes out me).
Night blots its own
The cool grotto in the hills
I could still feel it working
that time of day, every day,
curling in on itself,
a leather pouch with molars.
Another place I’d been told
was not mine. You ask if I
have a bag, people walk through
us as through a curtain. You
collect your mouth up
and the gesture makes me want to,
too, to match its triumph.
John Myers lives in Moscow, Idaho. His book Smudgy and Lossy was published by the Song Cave in 2018.