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The Perch’s Mouth


wildering rat

piled on a

white elephant

stripped to the waist

half her head


flies crawling

on and off

again sniff

airplane glue

bend and peck

creak and settle

think and run

the footsteps

the hall

is closer

a monster waits

a half mile


I hope she’ll be

the dangling

he opens


turns on




Text from King, Stephen. Salem’s Lot. New York: Random House, 1975. Print. pages: 46-64.





Dream-Pop-Press-Jennifer-MacBain-StephensJennifer MacBain-Stephens lives in the DC area and is the author of three full length poetry collections: “Your Best Asset is a White Lace Dress,” (Yellow Chair Press, 2016) “The Messenger is Already Dead,” (Stalking Horse Press, March 2017,) and “We’re Going to Need a Higher Fence,” tied for first place in the 2017 Lit Fest Book Competition. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. She is also the author of nine chapbooks. Her chapbook “She Came Out From Under the Bed, (Poems Inspired by the Films of Guillermo del Toro)” recently came out from Dancing Girl Press. Recent work can be seen at or is forthcoming from Prelude, Kestrel, Yalobusha Review, decomp, and Inter/rupture. Visit: