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Natura Morta 

the truth of man is expressed in the smallest details. 

Glitterbeard trashday Einstein
squinting femmeboys trashed
draping goldplated smooch
marbleflesh whiskoff caress
chlorine luminescent surprise
pursed pram primrose
latex glass baubles
certified ghoulhoard dollcorpses
velvet pictureframes allyoucaneat
playplace hood slabs
promenade buttonup leafhat
cabrona kidsister smokebillowing
tanktopped sandcolored slumber
offering denim champagne
curtaintorn broom homonymph
bottleservice fuchsia cravatknots
transvestite foam mirror
shoulderrest peekaboo view
wigged thigh puttputt
bluebrief blonde chainsaw
oneeyed fur collar
duetting grocery circus
muffintops magmask ratchet
Tannenbaum icesculpture Latina
jamfilled riah noci
sweetests shawl sunflowers
missy liberation camouflage
streak ripped pinball
fuchsiaspun canine royale
bushybrowed buzzed suburb
taffy skeletonkey treat
deathbed hours funeral
plussized grading banners
thighness faircall rollercoaster
assemble motorcade ceiling
celebrity flipflop suncuts
creaturefeature feline biceps
duvetwrapped doghog busstop
doublestache margarita brassieres
hungexpress ostrich fossils
haypaved princess talkshow
ticket carlean diploma
fuchsiaflood blissfulblank purityring
President middlefinger redcup
bbq payme icetea
athletics nipple videogame
knit nightvision bowling
striped crescentmoon muscle
fuchsiasequined carwindow chichis
banquet shadow photobooth
streetlamps rosebouquet balloons
callme beanie boyfriend
picnic cattoy mission
seventyfivecent perra curtainpeek
nude beard bestfriend
henhouse reassuring pillow
bloodymary bookclub organdonor
microphone cheerleading goddess
carwash lifestyle casket
cardigan tattoo learning
housekeeping candle sleepmask
snowplain planelanding lent
marriage valentine Divine
sickening sheercurtain laid
American gem sure
playdoh bowlcut point
billboard gunsmoke religion
tenderbutton vogue grace
superbowl freak rock
barekneed heart manger
trimming equal nothing
newcar romance tutu
sleepingdog hairbow papercut
pajamas lawnfurniture pancakeface
sailorhat gifts ebola
Pornhub booberry prom
braided homophobia IV
AIDS tests don’t
pussyqueen figgy miniskirts
cheektocheek sunglasses drowning
microscopic anaconda imaread
diamondback femmeskull heatwave
windowview dustmask mermaid
bowlingball lullaby realness
orchid fakeblood challenge
polkadotted legup pose
barechested whitepetals useless
towelbundled kneesup freedom
epaulet never lame
aboutlove crossdressing motherfucker
satan bang coffee!
eyeroll whisker zero
dick perched crayons
hermaphrodite date kneading
addiction universe bandanas
spaceship baby overboard
pigpuppet taint flag
backlace moustaches facecream
bloomed beautiful bookcase
missthang placement icing
rainbow sarcastic tomatoes
falsely lacefront pencilshoes
lavender twain photoshoot
pills flirty gentleman
jumpsuit gasping singlemom
national fuschiablossom gorilla
Brazilian headroom peanuts
women paw pearlteeth
leaves onthegrass projectionscreen
gay baroque motorcyclejacket
malady optimism applause
museumgarden bouncehouse throw
redcarpet stage boxing
newshoes clavicle kitten
limited merkin ongoing
pillowdown booth fingernails
fuchsiahooded overalls earrings
mullet model throwpillows
selfcheckout submerge browlift
betterthan bunnyflanked cleavage
hashtag Wednesday terrible
outfitselfies flawless purring
birdseye conceptual desktop
playbill bling buckles
singing closet profile
veil shoppingbasket pleated
scarf cactus rightfoot
glitterboots unicornfuck yoga
reflected jewelry acquaintances
sweater teacups hotcheetos
filthiest interlocked rimjob
consumerism dragontattoo collection
creativity horrifying difficulty
boxwine fuchsiatrimmed thighhighs
deathdrop gstring children
cosmic bloomed asscrack
coverspread wirehangers JesusChrist
blahblahblah glassvase fruitbowl
unicorn fiftyshades mimosa
multitudes littlecaesar cuffs
mattress Auntie supreme
laptop badgirls eyeshadow
rosenose bouquet twincest
horror holiday hautecouture
fates blackveiled deep
chailatte dayglow truss
spice overcome novel
fuchsiadyed burning fascinum
erotic supermarket vines
fingertips crawling sleeveless
gemcrowned blob fringe
walletchain scalp giftwrap
coldcream pussy demon
sipping sacred goldtips
Christmas assemblage yellowrain
headless rifle cops
blockparty Friday selfhatred
reindeer recordlabel lips
boxerbriefs snowflake ornaments
longislandicetea gogo plaid
tshirts judge poetry
Britney sailorkiss twerk
secrets bald vintage
doubled elysian rolemodel
plottwist banquet fictions
aftermath Thanksgiving casserole
openmouthed centerpiece cactus
feed lucite obsession
apodyopsis basicbitch leatherbag
succulent lampshade lenses
spotlight accessory stretch
cashmoney nachocheese pyscho
glamourshots installation billiards
milkglass appointment workbitch
gayboy tendermost baseballcap
tincan backdrop puppy
photoshoot matching open
screaming parade flex
longbeach desk Kamasutra
eatingout dirtydishes sideways
boom popcorn umbrella
honorlist inflammatory orgy
divineknit antlers lawnsign
goldgrill clawhoof worthy
languid tongueout sloppybottom
cradle secrets obituary
wallflower cookie sticky
overeasy wideeye bachelor
telephonepole reserved pregancytest
animalprint razor sixes
something serious seriously
nun train shellbra
bulk tulle earphones
wristwatch smithfamily dangles
kitchen armaround beduoin
cutout bracelet crowd
chexmix oversaturated english
legalpad stillhere blanket
starthere Venus passcode
handwritten shock magazine
basic crawl lipstick
shared issues sidewalksleeper
musicvideo wave Madonna
redbull pecs Oprahcalpyse
bucktoothed beaded tuft
wildthing V stool
Medusa queen comeback
golddust clown bolero
marbeleyed twinpalms haircut
anniversary wrestle cupcakes
irishjigs Staggerlee nosepick
welldressed belted publicist
lawnchair smacked twerkteam
postit innerthigh lobster
tackybrief canal ghettoass
hairtreatment beach allteeth
cuddled hollar singleladies
gestures disco femaletrouble
cartop mirrorlight hoebagels
fridgemagnet storm embroidery
hoochiemama showgirl nightstand
leftfoot mensdresser livingroom
catastrophe hieroglyphic boxingglove
Icarus roastmaster someday
vote plottwist kombucha
tuxedo too savage
guesthost boringclothes polite
brownie throwback commandments
editorial scream candy
worldpremiere visible motherboards
preorder oversized performanceartist
meatpacking hardrock kneesknocking
paper pluggedin women
todaysbottom handbag canvas
vertigo Godiva fleshcollage
Billydilly timepassby uprising
lamp thickandjuicy notifications
hateful intern sunglasses
Genesis CaliforniaState Twinkies
lazy bluelip legality
platestack foreheads ballet
eyes Michelangelo fingers
paperroll corkboard cabinet
goldchain checkered babygirl
fuzzy reflection belly
laughing choking kingofbeers
frosting fathers woof!
deadbird jail dance
cooing toothpaste pancakes
extraordinary gowns caffeine
25 yelling passion
handle slap baseball
book GPS mommydearest
coochiecutters wrist Gomorrah
amen pizza fuchsiabag
virginqueen LA problems
fedora backseat belike
subway byefelicia cumberbunds
burrowed rhinestone headstand
halo uggboots forest
givingup candidbus helmet
posters flaunt fan
OK running platforms
coffeemachine fruitful Shivanataraja
fuchsiabow birthdaycake cinderella
elbowgrab church sunbathing
septumpiercing puppypile muffinbowl
communicate iridescent pencil
squirrel “refreshing” interview
Jewels swagger amusementpark
merrygoround looping weave
adorned knuckletat outside
Tilda VHS impossible
noselick pillowqueen inkedout
plumber witches magoo
homies vases nail
tuckedin stylelead dressingroom
grammar pet hairychest
miniaturegolf brownbag roadtrip
poppedbottles barber grayscale
parrots grandparents heartcrack
pumppump gutter kids
shot pawing thirsttrap
collarless furheels Aladdin
fullbloom diadelosmuertos beautymask
advert covergirl horseshit
existence spotlight mallard
sandals recycle carpet
brickwall gaybeach renderings
fortyyearold crocodileskin horrorfilm
backstage clawmachine mamacita
trophy pompom headset
shout! uniform cokecan
peanutbuttercup celluloid typing
cigaretteholder bondageottoman skyline
catinahat pickup prince
offtheshoulder newyorkcity braces
terminal seven pepperoni
pettingzoo bunny prescription
eastercandy windowsitting drive-ins
plasticstraw asphalt meshtop
coworker selfie closet
sidetongue eightball nina
poolcue rockabilly partyrock
wigmops bananahammock slippers
international conveyorbelt fashion
grotesque revolt





Jahan Khajavi (b. 1986, Fresno) composes & performs “wildly amusing & explicit queer poetry” (Vogue) with an MFA from the University of Notre Dame. Recent poems can be found or are forthcoming in 14poems, Split Lip, Baest, & the Foglifter anthology Home Is Where You Queer Your Heart. Khajavi is also currently collaboration with Brandon Menke on a series of queer cowboy poems, some of which are appearing soon in Denver Quarterly & the Columbia Journal.

Author photo by Aimee Darling.