If I knew about anything,
I’d discuss it now
the thickness
of its nature and
its alluring cartilages.
Pitch and buck
in its soup
as time deteriorates,
a rolo chain of
Like how it’s said
sing for song drives away
the wolves, or
my mom’s assiduous
construction of soda
bread for no reason
egg washing scones
inducing hinge-jawed
from the mast
of a naked
green orchid
the sheepshank knot
of still-dark mornings,
afterwork interludes
and weekends
playing across her hands
like light
Allison Hummel is based in Los Angeles. Her work has recently appeared in Francis House, Flag & Void, Fine Print and Cordite Poetry Review. Work is forthcoming from The Meadow and a chapbook, New High, will be released soon by Ziggurat Press.