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My dreams are low
They’re sick and must be drossed
They’re young girl’s dreams

See’n saw bounce me back to you? Will you?
See’n saw bounce me back to you? Will you?
Oh will you?

-Cocteau Twins, “Fotzepolitic”


Dream Pop Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary press founded in 2017 by Isobel O’Hare and Carleen Tibbetts. Dream Pop is comprised of Dream Pop Journal, a weekly online literary journal, and Dream Pop Press, our small-press arm through which we welcomed our first set of chapbooks in Fall of 2019. Dream Pop seeks to make space for non-narrative, linguistically inventive writing. We are interested in lyric memoirists, cross-genre experimenters, fearless inventors, and poets who dream in made-up languages.


Board of Directors

President & Treasurer: Isobel O’Hare
Vice President: Carleen Tibbetts
Secretary: Krista Cox




Isobel O’Hare (Founding Editor & Executive Director) is a poet and essayist based in Roanoke, Virginia. They are the author of all this can be yours and editor of Erase the Patriarchy, both available from University of Hell Press. Their poems have appeared in numerous journals as well as the anthologies A Shadow Map (Civil Coping Mechanisms Press, 2017), They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing (Black Lawrence Press, 2018), Bettering American Poetry (Bettering Books, 2019), and 2020* The Year of the Asterisk: American Essays (University of Hell Press, 2021). O’Hare received an MFA in Poetry from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. They have also been the recipient of awards from Split This Rock and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation. They live in a 100-year-old house with their daughter Thea. // // @isobelohare





Carleen Tibbetts (Poetry Editor) is the author of the full-length collection DATACLYSM.jpg (White Stag Publishing, 2019), as well as the chapbooks DATACLYSM.jpg (Radioactive Cloud Press, 2018), to exosk(elle), the last sugar (Zoo Cake Press, 2015), and a starving music will come to eat the body (FiveQuarterly, 2014). Her work has most recently appeared in jubilat, The Offending Adam, Reality Beach, La Vague, DREGINALD, TAGVVERK, and FLAG + VOID, among others.






Kenning JP García (Diary Editor) is the author of With (Really Serious Literature), OF (What Place Meant) (West Vine Press), and Furthermore (If and Only If Press). Xe was tomorrow a diarist and will forever be a diarist yesterday. Xe has not been exploring form, breaking form, nor blending forms. Xe is only concerned with the substance, sentiment, chronology, kairology and the aionic. Style is a correlative result. Xyr approaches to a mystical realism have been published in various magazines and journals and xyr words can be heard in autoschediastic talks / video guessays @kenyjpgarcia on IGTV. //







Heidi Reszies (Book Designer) is a poet and transdisciplinary artist. She is the author of the poetry collections Illusory Borders (The Operating System, 2019) and Of Water & Other Soft Constructions (selected by Samiya Bashir as the winner of the 2018 Anhinga Press Robert Dana Prize for Poetry). She is the founding creator/curator of Artifact Press, and currently resides in Richmond, Virginia where she teaches letterpress printing and creative writing at Virginia Commonwealth University. //