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beautiful people’s selfies don’t flop on social media

i wear my trans ugliness like a badge of honor.

sure, all trans people are ugly in the eyes of cis people,

but i am too ugly even for my siblings in transness
to like my selfies on twitter.

i don some freshly gay apparel ~
a blouse from ebay, shorts from goodwill
~ & strike a playful pose, painted
fingers flashing peace.

what was once ~ fleetingly ~
affirming of my femininity & fashion sense
now sits digitally dormant,
pixels for the pretty people to scoff at & scroll past.

i thank all of these people for reminding me
that i weigh 240 lbs,
that no amount of foundation can conceal all of my facial hair,
that my palsied legs are unsexy in their asymmetry,
etc, etc ~ all the ways one’s body fails to belong…

thank you & fuck you
& the thousands of erect statues who follow you.

i drape myself in my trans ugliness
like valentino haute couture or
a velvet wedding veil,
as i marry the ever-spiteful spotlight
familiar to certain faggots like me ~
those of us who don’t even fit the bill of faggotry.





Marzi Margo is a person who writes and resides in Cleveland, Ohio. Ver books include Blueberry Lemonade (Be About It Press, 2021) and yogaflowers (Ghost City Press, 2020). Ve tweets @wigglytuff_pink.