ice blink
Space star ashed infinity
mouth of eons open in all directions
memory town of ash curls to fall
Summer evening
The beehive inside rages of all unsaid
that night lit fire light red sunset burn
unfurl utterance
unpeel nights past
unspool eons in your breath in a second here
untether the boats on the river that is day’s death into night
sunset cools the irons of temperature math of afternoon now
let me open something infinite brilliantine shards for you now
watch gold filaments firefly out into the night of this day
Let’s smear the horizon peanut butter on our fingertips here
let the news shout smear far over on the other day (the one of cities and roads )
Let the politicians unskin at night away from the cameras out of our view this time
let the world math crunch grind grit on other evenings and miles
let the night ash with stars now breeze breathed and hushed
peninsula line and curve
waves beat their skeletons into froth in breeze
pale bottled sun descends
skitter scatter pop foam
linger sinew gauze light
Roll rest curl ocean mouth air
my body is but a pale second shore as this day breaks onto its edges and ends